This one is from 2021. Northway Games was selecting 100 artists to make very different cards for their game “I was a teenager exocolonist” and I got one for myself. 🙂 This card is named “Sym’s Curiosity III”.
More about the game can be found at
This is a very much brazillian joke.
In Brazil, culturally, we tend to pray for “our Lady” (Nossa senhora) as in Jesus mother, Mary. This “our lady” normally comes with a place where there is some history about the Holy Mary, as in where people claim she appeared, or where a small statue of her appeared (this was the case of a city called “Aparecida”, which translates directly to “appeared”, I kid you not), so the whole saying goes “Our Lady of Aparecida” or “Our Lady of Guadalupe”. You know the drill.
Then when we pray, the praying goes like “Our Lady of Aparecida, give me hope”, for example.
That said, there’s this ongoing joke where we pray for “Our lady of the tinniest bike, give me equilibrium” and “Our lady of the eletric Shower, give me resistence”.
The thing is: the resistor that goes on a shower head, here in Brazil is called “resistência”, which is the same word for “resistence”.
This is a personal art. She’s my DnD character from a very long running campaign with my friends.
This is a commission I did for a friend. It’s her DnD character, a Druid Eladrin.
A Persona 5 fanart. The game has this amazing black and white, heavly contrasted style in lineart. I love it. So I gave my try. 😉
When I was studying this clean lines style, I watched Netflix’s Jessica Jones on the background. So this is some sort of tribute: I really like the character. Haven’t read the comics, tho.
Not sure what this is, I was in the mood to draw a dragon, I guess? And this is one of my studies for this colored-linework style. I really enjoy it.
I did a Twitter pool for this one. Asked my followers for Dungeons and Dragons race and class, and they voted for an Elf Rogue. Should do this again, was pretty fun to create!
Persona 5 is one of the few games I really enjoy, and there’s romance options. This is my favorite shipp – the Protagonist Joker, and Queen. 😉
Did this fanart of the game Zelda Breath of the Wild. I really love this game!
Chess Lore Series
I did this series back in 2021. I had this idea of how to give some personality to all the Chess pieces, according to what they do in the game. It was a fun exercise.
The Bishop
He’s a mischievous man, full of secrets and dogmas. Can be seen walking on the shadows of the castle, conspiring against the King’s enemies.
The King
He’s a good king. His realm loves and protects him, wishing him a long life; which he had.
The Knight
Has been knighted very young, and following his King is all he knows. Is a wise and seasoned rider and fighter, stomping over his enemies for his kingdom.
The Pawn
He’s a simple worker. But this is an united kingdom, and every able fighter is required when war comes. The young pawn will fight proudly for his king.
The Queen
Some say the king’s longevity is her doing. If the kingdom is in distress, this is the one person the enemies should fear.
The Rook
The king’s strongest and last resort. This man is like a wall, and is willing to give his life for his king.
I did the sketches for the whole set together, so I could have some coherence to their sizes. This is the first draft.
Some refining.
more refining.
It took me a while to come up with the design for the borders. My first attempt was to make some art nouveau styled, but Ididn’t think it matched. Ended up deciding to go Art Deco, with more straight lines, at the end.
Saint Seya, revisited
“Saint Seya” was a really popular anime back in the 90’s in Brazil. I was a huge fan! This here is a “reimagined” version I did of the main cast, and published originally on Instagram. I did a small text for each one of them explaining how they would be nowadays, together with the illustrations. It was hal the fun!
Shiryu of the Dragon is the most serious and polite of all Athena’s saints. I picture him always very well dressed, in skinny suits and narrow ties. I always hated those bangs, I mean, he never cuts is hair, but don’t touch my bangs? So, in my vision, he’d have long full hair, just with a small part tied up to avoid falling in his face. In my mind, he’s bi, and demi.
Shun, of Andromeda. 100% hipster. 120% magical boy. Would wear hyped, on brand clothes, and always a smile on his face. Is a volunteer in a NGO that rescues street kittens and finds home for them to be happy and loved. That June, who was supposed to be his “””girlfriend””” would be his BFF, going with him shopping. Would remain the same Shun that despises violence, crazy ass dangerous gal if someone important to him is in danger. Has a huge crush on Hyoga.
Hiyoga, of the Swan, comes from Siberia. I though he’d use thhose montain outfits, that we find on Decathlon, made for extreme cold weather. With an Elsa vibe (the cold never bother me anyway), he’d even use apropriated clothes, but not really, cuz, I mean, it’s Hiyoga. He wouldn’t care much about his appearence, so the long hair and beard would come up and he wouldn’t notice. Man of few words and skin ruined by the weather, looks a lot older then he really is. Hiyoga is Ace, and has mommy issues.
Ikki, of the Phoenix. The troublemaker. Machoman, rude, agressive, dirty mouth. HArdly smiles, unless is of his enemies despair. I think he’d use sportwear, mostly, oversized and comfortable – and fuck it color harmony, those are my favorite pants, I’ll wear it with whatever I want. Started doing an undercut in his hair, until it escalated to a mowhawk – that he cultivates mostly to annoy people. Ikki is so stright you can use him as a ruler, but fortunatelly not toxic: he’s kinda bad but loves very much his lil brother, respects women and carries drunk friends home, for safety.
Seya, of Pegasus. The tomboy, always smiling and doing dad jokes, kinda like boys from Rio de Janeiro. Wears whatever is on sale, but doesn’t go very far from shorts and t-shirts. He’s so slicky that when they faced the 12 zodiac houses, he defeated a couple of them just by talking. Straight haircut (there’s no mullet on my alternative universe) and hangloose, he think’s he’s so fly, but he’s just… not.
Saori Kiddo, Athena Goddess. She’s a really rich and spoiled child. She’d be one of those really cool imigrants living in London, vegan, wearing Dr. Martens’ boots and second handed clothes (of expensive brands). Usually seen in oversized coats that could fit at least three of her inside (don’t ask me, I think it’s some kind of tendency, all the asiatic girls I see around are wearing it) and hurry walking holding her golden/champagne smartphone in her impecably manicurated hands. In spite of her bored looks and bossying around, deep down has a really good heart. She’s straight, but would give anything not to be and get over her crush on Seya.