Side Quested

Side Quested is the new webcomic created by AlePresser and K.B.Spangler (Author to A Girl and Her Fed). It’s a comedy in a medieval fantasy setting, with dragons, magic, politics, Kingdoms, and teenagers falling in love and making bad decisions.
It’s a co-creation between the two authors, then scripted by K.B.Spangler and art by AlePresser.
The wbecomic has been recently launched, so when there are more pages, this post will be updated.

Side Quested


Back in 2017, I did this comic magazine for Cooper Supermarket. The idea was to explain how the cooperative system works for the supermarket in a ludic maner. With this briefing, I created a family that is moving to the city and finds out about the supermarket. The magazine was distributed to clients back then.

  • Client: Free Multi Agência and Cooper
